Wiki - Lava & Swamp Fishing
Lava Hooks and Swamp Hooks may be obtained from completing Fishing BoDs. These have 50 Charges and can be attached to any Fishing Pole. Once attached, that pole may be used to fish in either lava or swamp tiles as if they were water.
The original charges of the fishing pole and the charges of the hook will be consumed at 1 each for each harvest action regardless of where the pole is used. Be advised that Keep in mind that either hook, once attached, can not be removed. Should the charges on the pole be lower than the hook, the pole will break when it reaches 0 and the extra charges of the hook will be lost.
Fishing and Swamp fishing each require 100 Fishing Skill and have their own rewards list. Some rewards require more skill than others, but all of them may be seen in the Display Gates area under Malas/Custom on the World Omni-Porter.
When a hook is attached, it's charges are displayed as a condition as follows:
New = 50 Charges
Excellent = 40 to 49 Charges
Very Good = 30 to 39 Charges
Good = 20 to 29 Charges
Fair = 10 to 19 Charges
Worn = 1 to 9 Charges