Wiki - Storage Keys

Among the most powerful items on the shard are the storage keys. Each enables you to hold massive amounts of items that belong to it's group and, if these items are used as craft resources, you can craft directly out of the keys and avoid being weighted. Below is a description of each and information on how to get them. All of the keys require 130 Tinkering to craft and some have secondary skill requirements. Be sure to check a Tinker Tool carefully for requirements.
Master Key
Purchasable from the LoS store for 80 Legendary Dust.
Holds all the other keys and allows instant pulling of all items into all keys with one action.
Tool Box
Craftable - 100 Enchanted Ingots, Leather & Boards
Holds and combines the charges of all craftable tools.
Runic Tool Box
Craftable - Requires Tinkering 110, 40 Enchanted Ingots, Leather & Boards
Holds and combines the charges of all runic tools.
Adventurer's Boots
Craftable - 40 Enchanted Leather & 40 Zoogi Fungus
Holds Bandages, Lockpicks, Zoogi Fungus, Powder of Translocation, Green Thorns, Fertile Dirt, Bola Balls, Bola, and Arcane Gems. It should be noted that bandages can be used directly from the keys to bandage yourself with the [bandself command.
Bard's Key
Craftable - Musicianship 100, 40 Enchanted Boards & 4 Harpsichord Rolls
Holds all instruments and combines charges of exceptional crafted instruments.
Fish Bucket
Available only from Fishing BoDs
Holds all fish.
Imbuers Keys
Craftable - 40 Enchanted Ingots & 20 Relic Fragments
Holds all imbuing materials & allows imbuing directly from keys.
Mining Keys
Craftable - 100 Enchanted Ingots
Available from Blacksmithing BoD rewards
Holds all ingots & allows crafting directly from keys.
Jewelers Keys
Craftable - 50 Enchanted Ingots & 20 Blue Diamonds
Available from Tinkering BoD rewards
Holds all gems & allows crafting and imbuing directly from keys.
Reagent Keys
Craftable - 25 Enchanted Ingots & 5000 Mandrake Root
Available from Alchemy & Inscription BoD rewards
Holds all reagents & allows casting and crafting directly from keys.
Scribes Tome
Craftable - 25 Enchanted Boards, 200 Wood Pulp & 200 Blank Scrolls
Available from Inscription BoD rewards
Holds all scrolls from all spellcasting forms.
Tailor Store
Craftable - 50 Enchanted Leather & 50 Enchanted Boards
Available from Tailoring BoD rewards
Holds cloth and all types of leather & allows crafting directly from keys.
Treasure Hunters Storage
Craftable - 25 Enchanted Boards & 30 Treasure Maps
Available from Fishing BoD rewards
Holds treasure maps, SOS's, fishing nets & Messages in Bottles.
Wood Storage
Craftable - 100 Enchanted Boards
Available from Carpentry & Fletching BoD rewards
Holds all boards & allows crafting directly from keys.
Chef's Storage
Available only from Cooking BoD rewards
Holds all ingredients used in the cooking menu & allows crafting directly from keys..
Potion Storage
Craftable - 25 Enchanted Boards & 5 Crushed Glass
Available from Alchemy BoD rewards
Holds all potions & allows crafting directly from keys.
Lobster and Crab Trap
Available only from Fishing BoD rewards
Holds all lobsters and crabs.
Champion Skull Key
Craftable - 40 Enchanted Leather & 4 Golden Skulls
Holds all champion skulls.
Gardener's Storage
Available only from Farming BoD rewards
Holds all farming and planting seeds, water, planting bowls, and fertile dirt.