Shard Specifications
PvM, ClassicUO Only
Daily Login Rewards
No Skill Cap, One Account per Player
300 Starting Stat Cap (500 possible with scrolls)
New Player Dungeon, Quests, Champ & Power Hour Cloak
(Available until 30 days Account Age)
Viable Spell Casters & Crafters
Custom Clothing, Weapon, & Spawn Graphics
Custom Hairstyles
Weapon Leveling & Imbuable Clothing
Custom Arti Systems
(Tier 3 Tokuno, Relics of Ter Mur trade in system
Legendary Spawn and Artifact Drops)
Ten levels of T-Maps
(Custom drops for T-Map and SOS chests)
Custom Resources and Runics, 12 types of BoDs
Seasonal & Custom Quests
Customized Player Vendors, Achievements, & Veteran Rewards
Custom Facets
(Isle of Abecedaria, Forsaken Isles, & Eacotura)
Download our Custom Client & Play for Free!
Music Credits:
Arabian Princess - Clement Panchout
Lost in the Desert - Eldritch Grim
Sylvan Waltz - Otto Halmén
Town Theme - remaxim
Little Town - Bart
Mushroom Dance - Bart https://opengameart.org/content/mushroom-dance
Creep Forest - HaelDB
Gloom - SouljahdeShiva
Snow About A Castle - Telaron
Path Walk - HorrorPen
Town Theme & Dark Forest - CynicMusic
Medieval - Miguel Herrero
Enchanted Festival, Woodland Fantasy, Soliloquy, & Dark Amulet - Music by Matthew Pablo
http://www.matthewpablo.com/ http://www.youtube.com/user/letspretendxc0re
Dark Shrine - Qubodup
Artwork Credits:
MrRiots, Vrark
& Voxpire for his many contributions in our custom code
Merchant Coins are being phased out and will no longer accumulate in existing Merchant Pouches. Instead, gold will be automatically deposited into bank accounts. An NPC will be left at the Britain bank to allow players to sell off the contents of their pouches.
The shard is back up on the host as they have resolved issues on their end. You may need to clear your DNS cache or restart your computer to resolve the IP to login to the shard. (ipconfig /flushdns in command prompt to clear cache). Apologies again for all of the disruptions and here's hoping everything runs smoothly from this point onward
The shard has been temporarily moved due to issues with the host company. We hope to have the issue resolved ASAP.
We will be hosting the first annual haunted house contest. Decorate your house plot with all the spooky decor. Winner will be chosen via votes in the same manner as the house customization contest. Official voting period will occur the last week of the month. Winner will be announced on Halloween. Page staff if you'd like to join the contest
The voting period for the house customization contest has begun. You can use [housecompetition command to vote for your favorite design. The voting period will end on Saturday. Click the gold button next to the player's name to travel to the house plot to view it.
For the housing contest, we would like to get some more participants. How it will work is that you will be provided a customizable house plot owned by staff that you will be co-owner of [You do not need a free house slot for this]. We will provide a budget for you to design the house with.
With that in mind, one of the very few rules of the contest is that you are to show an actual attempt at customizing the house. If you just customize 1 tile and pocket the money, we will disqualify you and you will be required to return the budget money. Additionally, the contest is for design of a house only. No deco and no yard decor. Only items added through the house customization menu are allowed. Outside of that, the only other rule is really 1 entry per account.
We will give a couple weeks from whenever the contest is announced for people to design their houses. All of the houses will be in one place, so you'll be able to see what your competition is doing. We will have a voting period at the end of that to choose the top designs for prizes and to go on the house placement tool. There will also be participation rewards for everyone.
We are up to 8 entries now, but would like to get some more. The contest will through the first couple of weeks of September. We will be accepting late entries as well so if anyone changes their mind, they will still be able to enter up until the voting period begins.
The Treasure Hunt Seasonal Quest is now open!
March is here already, and the Luck of the Irish Seasonal Quest is open.
LoS has been moved to a dedicated server!
The issue mentioned below regarding chain quests has been resolved. Sadly, any quests that were attained before yesterday's restart will continue to experience the issue and will need to be quit/restarted to progress.
We have discovered an issue with chain quests failing to continue after a server restart. While we're working on resolving the issue, it's suggested that you attain quests as you're ready to complete them whenever possible. Grabbing a quest with the intention of doing it another day increases the likeliness of the issue effected you.
The new diving system is now in beta release. The questline to get the scuba mask and diving book is available to start from Thane Blackwood on the docks outside of Smallhollow in Forsaken Isles. You will also notice a new location on the world omniporter. You will be able to find some of the other NPC's for the quest in Elvenwood Market Square. A wiki page will be added for this questline at a later date. You're welcome to do the quest in the meantime. Everything is self-explanatory and information you need is provided in the quest dialogue.
An all new seasonal event, Treasure Hunters Quest, will begin on July 1st and run for the month. With this quest , we now have a seasonal quest active during every month of the year, which frees us up to work on other content.
New Login Achievements are now active! Make sure you log in every day to get the most out of this system!
Happy New Year!
Christmas is getting close! Be sure to log in before the end of Christmas Day to receive your holiday gift box!
We have also removed the AFK checker and will be allowing AFK resource gathering from this point on!
Merry Christmas!
The Nightmare Before Christmas event is now live. Reach it via the Quest Grove and seek out Mrs. Santa Claus for details!
Our new facet, Forsaken Isles, is now active. Players who downloaded the client before the 26th of June, 2022 will need to:
Navigate to the following folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ultima Online Legends Of Sosaria\ClassicUO\ -
Delete the settings.ext.json file in the folder.
Patch. The correct version of the file will patch back in allowing you to see the map correctly.
Players who downloaded the file after June 26th will not have this issue as they will already have the correct version of the file.
A fix for the issue that caused mobiles to disappear/reappear has been implemented. We are hopeful that this has been 100% resolved, but please let us know if you notice any issues.
We are looking for suggestions and ideas of how to draw in more new players. We've noticed a serious lull recently and we are hoping those of you who have come to make this their home would have some input on what we can do to help grow the shard. You are welcome to email in your suggestions to legendsofsosaria@hotmail.com, fill out our contact form, http://www.legendsofsosaria.com/contact-los, or mention anything in the-wayfarers-inn in Discord. Let us know how we can help. Thank you.
Happy New Year!
Abecedaria (The New Player Facet) has been patched in and completed. Please be sure to patch your clients! You will also need to run the CUO provided through our patcher OR edit your settings.json in your own CUO and replace the maps_layouts line with the line below in order to see the maps properly.
"maps_layouts" : "7168,4096;7168,4096;2304,1600;2560,2048;1448,1448;1280,4096;1448,1448;",
The New Player Dungeon has been expanded to more than double it's size!
Fellow Sosarians! There is rumor of a Golden Thanksgiving Turkey hidden in the lands. This turkey is said to have a legendary dust on it. Kill or tame it, the choice is yours. Happy exploring and happy thanksgiving!
Found by Kestrel! Congratulations!